Setting Out: An Overview of Sussex, Brighton, and my Aspirations

Hello and welcome to my blog about Brighton! This is a space in which I plan to catalog my study abroad experiences this semester – which may take the form of anecdotes, photos, research revelations, quotes, or even stream of consciousness style exclamations! In just a few weeks, I will be leaving the comfort of Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas campus to study abroad as an exchange student at the University of Sussex in Brighton, United Kingdom. At Sussex, I will be studying as a third year student in the School of English and Drama, where I will take classes centered on Victorian literature, a class on transatlantic rhetoric and speech making at the turn of the nineteenth century, and a global history class centered on the development of empires. In addition to studying at Sussex as a full-time student, I will be conducting research at The Keep, a center for archives in Sussex that is located close to the University of Sussex Cam...